On September 4, 2012, I got up from my computer to get a glass of water. When I returned the purple angelic picture you see was open on my computer on the website SpaceWeather.com. It was not a photo I had downloaded, and my browser was not open when I got up. How did it open itself to SpaceWeather.com and display this photo?
Being a curious Leo and one to follow my guidance when some baffling event occurs, I looked through the website. On September 2, there was a massive Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) from the sun heading in our direction. During the period from Sept. 2-4, many photos of unusual aurora activity around the earth were photographed, and I found them at SpaceWeather.com.
The photos were taken in some places where this is a normal occurrence, but others were taken in places where it is not a normal occurrence. In the last few years, more auroras have been seen around the earth in wider ranges of locales.
Knowing that if my guides went to the trouble to open my browser and show me a photo, that something big was up, I meditated on it and was given guidance that this is angelic intervention on our planet. Many people don't understand that angels are the structural energies that hold form together. They represent themselves as beings for us to relate to, to illustrate rapport with us.
In 1978, I was meditating and received the message that Earth is being bombarded from space by energies that are raising our vibration, the planet and all beings living on the planet. When I saw that photo on my desktop, I knew this prophecy was being fulfilled. The solar angels are here to transform the planet. This is the 2012 shift that everyone is talking about. We are being restructured and invited to come along to the new 5th dimensional experience. A window of opportunity has been opened for us for the amazing experience of love.
In the 90s, I was shown a congregation of extraterrestrials, about 100 different species. They told me that they are all our friends and that they are just waiting for us to stop killing each other.
The new energy coming into the planet will not support the wars we keep waging. It is time for peace and harmony to break out all over the planet. It is time for our hearts to remember that all people have one source energy, and that we are all connected, and to harm anyone or anything is to harm ourselves. It's time to recognize and engage our compassionate, creative, cooperative nature and change the world in a really good way. If you are not doing something you love to do, it's time to make a change.
Last night in dreamtime, I was given the name HeartWarp for this blog and a book I'll be writing. So, this is the beginning of many messages of this type in name of love. Thanks for reading. My next post will be the slide show of more of these auroras from Sept. 2-4.
For more of my spiritual writings, go to MusingWithWritingMuse, my oldest blog with many archives.
Here's the youtube video I was inspired to create. Hope you enjoy all the photos and the info. Solar Angel Visits. So much is happening right now. If you need advice or input, please contact me.
Until next time. sandy penny signing off . http://sandypenny.com, http://writingmuse.com . http://simplewebclasses.com . Return to HeartWarp.com
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